неделя, 22 август 2010 г.

Doughnut with prunes and vanilla cream

The Prunes doughnuts recipe:
for the dough:
20 g fresh  yeast
60 g sugar
250ml fresh milk
120 g butter
2 eggs
400 gr flour
2 tablespoons cocoa
8 prunes from stewed fruit or fresh one2 tablespoons cocoa
for the cream:
2 yolks of egg
4 tablespoons of sugar
1 pod of vanilla
500 ml fresh milk
2 teaspoons farina
2 teaspoons powdered sugar for the surface

Mix together 1 tablespoon of sugar , 3 tablespoons of cool milk and the yeast in a large boul for some minutes, cover it and leave it in warm place.
Melt 80g of butter in small saucepan and set it aside. beat he eggs and add the risen yeast,the flour, the cocoa, the remaining sugar, pinch of salt and the melted butter. Add as much milk as needed for the dough to be medium hard . Stir the dough with wooden spoon until it gets smooth and makes bubles. Cover it up and set it in a warm place to rise.
  Melt the remaining butter. The dough must be devided into 8 pieces. Each piece should be flattened with hands and in the middle have to be putted one prune.  The dough  should be bend. Slide the doughnuts in the melted butter and put them in a baking dish. Cover them for 30 minutes to rise.
   Heat the oven to 175 degrees C. Bake the doughnuts on the lower row of the oven  30 minutes. After that turn off the oven and leave the sweets in it for 5-10 minutes.

    The cream:

 Mix the yolks and the sugar until they become foam. Put the milk, the farina, and the vanila in a pot. Stir it over medium heat until it boils down.

Take the doughnut out and powder it. Serve it warm with the vanilla cream.

    Yesterday I cooked this dessert but instead of making small doughnuts … it became a hole cake (one huge doughnut). I put a little too much milk in the dough and it became sticky and softy. And I think I have chosen the wrong plate to make the cake … the utensil turned little   and the sweet rose much more than I expected but nothing fatal happened. The vanilla cream  turned out to be very delicious I think although I put vanilla from a pocket not from a pod …

    But in the end, I got satisfaction  because my big “doughnut” was tasty and everybody enjoyed it. J

P.S. : I’m sorry but I don’t have photo L I hope next time I won’t forget and I’ll take a picture of it ;)

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